A Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot is a great way to start the path that will take you to the wedding day. More and more often. the couples I met are excited to participate to this wonderful experience in Venice.
Preparing for the "big day" with joy is essential to live it in the best possible way.
Choosing the Photographer for your Pre-Wedding Photoshoot in Venice is important.
In a Pre-Wedding Photoshoot the classic question is: "what should we do?"
I always answer: Be yourself in the most natural way possible.
Obviously there are indications to follow, there are posed Photos!! But our studio likes to tell a story that will become your sweetest memory.
The important thing is to live the Pre-Wedding Photoshoot with joy and to think that what we are creating are memories, which will accompany you forever.
A Pre-Wedding Photoshoot has a double meaning: it creates memories and enriches the history that you lived here in Venice. It is generally a less chaotic situation than marriage, there is more time available and there are less pressures, less thoughts.
In this blog article we have Duy and Jennifer, a beautiful couple who a few months before their wedding decided to get engaged in Venice and. remember the day with a Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot.
Chloe and Havier
These are some photos taken from the Photoshoot in Venice of Chloe and Havier, a wonderful Couple who will soon be getting married in the States. It was an immense pleasure for us to meet such a happy and in love couple and take some Pictures that will remain forever in their memeory and in their heart.
We wish them the best in life!!

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