The history of this honeymoon photoshoot location: Danieli hotel in venice.
A history of beauty that lasts since 1800. No, I.m not talking about Faryaa and Mehdi's love story but about the hotel Danieli history,, one of the most beautiful locations in the world, an incredible terrace overlooking the basin of San Marco and the island of San Giorgio. This hotel was also used as a film set in "The tourist" with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, but it has also welcomed other artists such as Goethe, Wagner, Charles Dickens, Byron, Peggy Guggenheim, Leonard Bernstein, Benjamin Britten , Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg. And between us Wagner and Byron are my favorites :-).
If you go through Venice you can not miss the opportunity to visit the Gothic-Byzantine style Hall. For a wedding photographer it is an incredible privilege to be able to shoot in these rooms and of course I say thanks to my wonderful customers for this fantastic photo opportunity.
These two wonderful Iranian people decided to spend their honeymoon in Venice and asked our photo studio for an afternoon couple session with their beautiful wedding dresses.
After half an hour we decided to take a gondola ride to photograph the beauty of the canals at sunset and thank to the kindness of the gondolier we were able to get off the gondola to take a picture of Faryaa lying on the gondola, an incredible shot.
Kisses CBPHV

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